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Mending Cigarrette Burns?

Have a brand new pant suit (black) and jacket has a small cigarrette burn. Anyy suggestions on how to mend?
Rita J. Mantero, November 2003
hi .
try cutting a piece from somewhere not noticable.then trim the hole as best as you can.then get some cloth glue from your local material shop etc.place a piece of something at the back of the hole to strenghthen it.then glue in place.then take your piece that you have cut out and fit it in the hole.and glue.it works better if you get something round to cut the burn out and to use to cut your patch peice.something like a hole punch?look around the house for something to sharpen up?

dave., June 2005
It can be invisible mended at places like the dry cleaners, like sketchley etc., its not cheap but would prob, be cheaper than bying new!, or you could try giving up the ciggies.

davey8, July 2004