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nokia 5310?

my nokia wont start after showing the date setting screen for just a few seconds it powers off automaticly.... please help .....
the shop where i buy this wont give me a new 1 and its still in garantee
murr, September 2008
try taking memory card out, then remove the battery for a couple of minutes. Replace the battery but NOT the memory card, then try restarting- Nokias own site points at this being a possible solution but if it doesn't work it the phone will need to go for repair. If it restarts Nokia recommend trying updating the phones firmware- you'll need the data cable that came with your phone- then visit the nokia web site.

alan, July 2009
i don't no the answer but my 5310 does this as well

Tom1994, June 2009

fads, May 2009
link Click here to see other fixes for Nokia.