you will need a 4mm allen key, some tissure or paper towel, a torch and maybe a small make up mirror.
1.looking at the burner you will see a black squarish lump on the side of the burner, it should say Danfoss BFP.. on it.
2. On the faceplate, there will be 2, 5 pence size caps with a hole the middle for your allen key, you need the one that has 'P' next to it. If you havent got this, proceed to 3. If you have, move to 4.
3. If you havent got the screw caps on the face plate, as you look at the burner without removing it, this screw cap will be facing you, it is the one that is flush with the body and it is black. follow the instructions in 4.
4. Crack the screw cap open with some tissue or towel under it unlit the bubbles stop and drips of oil come out, tighten it up and reset the boiler. Check for leaks.
Critical note, DO NOT turn anything that is brass in colour on the pump that your allen key fits in, this is pressure adjustment and will result in your boiler failing and possibly sooting up (not nice). Only use it on the screw caps that are roughly the same size as a 5 pence and have knurled edges. This is a guide only, if you are unsure, consult an OFTEC engineer, if you can't find one, ring your oil supply company, they should know someone as their drivers a forever standing on peoples oil line and making them leak! Expect a bill around £50-£60 for an oil bleed. If in the Lincolnshire area, leave a message in reply to this and we will sort something out.
Ben the Oil Man, October 2008