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how to repair the hand wheel on a pfaff 1471?

I was sewing. plastic screw in handwheel broke. Parts went flying. got all the parts,including a new screw. I can't figure out where the spring goes. hand wheel won't engage without it. I have : plastic hand wheel,
a plastic do hickey, a plastic round washer,( no prongs on it) a small spring, and the screw. help please? thanks
GLORIA, October 2008
I know it was a long while ago but did you ever fix your hand wheel?
I know where the spring goes but I expect you do too!
I have the same problem except I have fitted the spring. I also had to put the drive belt back on which was a hard job having to use tweezers inside the case.

I haven't been able to connect the wheel properly for the main drive. Can you remember if the outer
plastic screw served any purpose as that seems to have snapped

I hope I haven't broken any rules stating my problenm also

Maureen, November 2010
Hello Gloria,
On a Pfaff you would be better off taking it to a dealer., October 2008