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samsung f480 tocco won't charge??

its saying that my battery is charging on the screen but as soon as i take it off charge it says low battery. can anyone help??
jg, October 2008
Samsung Tocco Lite S5230 / F480
Can fail to charge if the Samsung plug is part of a USB cable. USB cables have an ID and the phone wants to allow data. It should charge on 'PC Connection' but if the window pops up it probably won't.
The dedicated charger does not have a USB ID so the mobile knows it should allow the battery charging circuit to open.
The answer is either use the proprietary charger or, and this is the easy way, TURN THE MOBILE OFF WHEN USING A USB CABLE. The OS is not operating and the charging circuit IS OPEN.

Ucumist, June 2017
Samsung SGH-F480v no power poboem

sojan, June 2014
Same problem with my phone (SGH F480) too... Serivce centre could not do any thing. Changed the battery... changed the charger...changed to USB mode of charging...changed to external charger...nothing helped. I feel like changing the phone...!

DSM, July 2012
its a common fault just buy a desk top charger to save time and money......... neil

neil stokes, May 2012
same problem ..i bought 2 new chargers and none of them charged the phone altho the battery icon showed it was charging as soon as i took the phone off charge the phone died and would not turn back on the only way i can charge my phone is by the car charger the phone charges fine but i cant keep driving around for an hour just to charge my phone :(

forfoxsake, December 2011
the phone wont charge a battery that is dead what i don was charge the battery up externally by bodging wires to the battery terminals and charge it with 3 volts for an hour then refit the battery to the phone and it will power up and then charge!!!

metalhead, September 2011
To everyone whos fone freezes - TAKE OUT THE SIM CARD THEN PUT IT BACK IN!

The phone has a major fault and dislike to sim cards, so re-inserting it usually fixes the random crashing problem. Make sure you know your pin code, and try+keep it disabled, as crashing sometimes causes the phone to ask u for this after a crash-if u dont know it then u cant use the phone :(

If it still doesnt work, then switch the fone on WITHOUT ANY sim card, that will let u use the fone to save all ur precious files
onto an sd card, so u can use them in A BETTER FONE.


If the fones battery is not charging, try and get another battery to use so u can save all your files+contacts to an sd card to keep yourself,before sending the bad fone to your provider, as its likely that they will DELETE all of the phones content and not transfer it to a new phone. To everyone that cant get a replacement for this crashing fone with faulty battery connectors - PRINT THIS PAGE OUT AND SHOW IT OR SEND TO YOUR PHONE PROVIDER! GOOGLE FOR YOUR MOBILE AND PROBLEM+PRINT OUT THE PAGES OF OTHER USERS WITH THE SAME PROBLEM!

If u didnt drop the fone then this page amongst many others is proof that the fone has major issues. If u are on contract then they MUST replace it under contract, as long as u didnt cause the problem yourself - threaten them by law or simply talk to someone else (whether its via phone, email or in store) that may be more helpful - remember one member of staff is not the entire company, it could be your gran or 16 yr old idiot brother in a grumpy mood that hates working there thats essentially telling u to **** *** on a bad day (!), so try someone else whos willing to help :) there WILL be one somewhere!

VODAGROAN, August 2011
I am having the same problem but I now know how to charge it properly. when u put ur tocco on the charger if it is on it will turn off then the "charging battery sign" will turn up then it will go off but will not come back on if u hit a random button or if it is already turned off it will do the same what you need to do now is turn the phone back on about 10 seconds later(just to let it rest) and when it turns on the battery sign in the top right corner should be moving like it does when it's charging. leave it for a couple of hours to charge and it should be fine......hope this info helps.....i'm only 14 so it might not work but if you try it, it might. :)

Amy Patel, March 2011
topy peee chro sub

khan, December 2010
i have the same problem- it says its charging and then as soon as you take it out its low battery.
i brought a new battery and that didnt work so sent it to be repaired with phones for u
got it back 2 weeks later phoned back up same day as fault still the same- sent it back for repair and recieved it back to day with no fault found yet the fault is still there. i was then told by repair centre the issue was with the battery- it had a new one so now have to take it back in for repair for the 3rd time in 6 weeks- had the phone less then a year so not happy at all as im stuck with a crap phone while i wait for mine to be sorted

sian, October 2010
my tocco am having really bad problems with hopefully one of you can help me i had mine on charge and someone text me i went to ring them back just by pressing the call button from a text and it switched itself off i went to turn it on and it loads a little bit but then goes off again what do i do ? please help x

nicola x, October 2010
Have exact same problem with Samsung i8910hd. After checking the battery type on google, is same as wave s8500. So have ordered an external battery charger. As appears there is a long term fault with the phones generic socket !!. Have tried 3 batteries, all charge up 1st time, then drain real quick. Will try external charger as have got all data off phone, just want to factory reset it. Before returning to Orange for replacement.

Some idiot who bought a Samsung, July 2010
Hi everybody, relax. EXACTLY the same thing happened to my samsung tocco/f480, and I automatically had a huge panic attack. All I did was call into JB HI-FI and asked to test a new charger in-store. It worked!! I was over the moon.
Hope I helped you...

SuperGenius25:), June 2010
ooh, a lot of you say you're charging it by USB, from the computer? Maybe that's why it's messing up the phone? I've been charging mine from USB for ages because I lost the real charger a while ago and I've had this problem a couple of times. I managed to switch the phone back on in the end, but it's happened again. Maybe try using a real charger? And maybe leaving it on overnight is a cause too, you can overcharge a phone, it weakens the battery for future use I think. I hope I've helped. :)

Demi, June 2010
My Samsung F480i turns off for no reason and I can not turn it back on.
For those who have this problem, I have been able to turn it back on by plugging the charger in and then pressing the on button and/or the main button at the same time. It usually starts back up on about the 3rd-4th attempt. Annoying if you dont have the charger.

Kojak, May 2010
Mine the same WTF Samsung must pay us back money or repair that stupid PHONE!!!

Arthur, May 2010
mine is the same, had it two months, forgot to take my charger with me as i slept out last night & so i charged it plugged into my USB & laptop which i left on all night, whilst plugged in it says it's charging, once removed it says low battery?

cloe, May 2010
the answer to most of the "why wont my f480 charge" questions is: it is most likely NOT the fone charger itself, an inherrant problem with the f480 tocco is that samsung use a custom usb port on the fone that is prone to failure after 6/7 months usage. you may not need another charger you may actually need a new usb v2.0
port. i myself got away with putting an elastic band round the end of the charger & the fone when charging to make sure the connection between fone & charger was made!!
hope this helps

spyder, April 2010
im havin exactly the same problem i only had it a few months when it completly stopped chargin. I took it in2 tha shop and they said they had fixed it got it home still wouldn't charge so ive spent the last 3 months chargin it up on my USB cable on my laptop and now it has stopped chargin altogther it wont go past the f480 load up screen with black background not happy at all if any1 can help i would appreciate it :)

Ffi, April 2010
mines exactly the same! had new battery and new charger, but still doesnt charge. it says on screen that it is charging, but when i take the charger out it turns on for only a minute then goes flat. does anyone know how to fix it?

becci davies, April 2010
ive got the same problem with my tocco. with mine i think its the charger cable. if i put my phone on charger it does nothing no charge goes into the phone. but if i move the cable i can hear a quiet squeak noise and then the phone appears to charger but only for bout 10 minutes.

hope this helps anyone

Daniel, February 2010
no i can't help.......mine is doing the same thing and have had new batt and then still didnt work and now have new handset etc and still doing the same thing!!

map, January 2010
i had my tocco phone for under year with three my phone will not charge at all please help

nicole, January 2010
only solution i got was going buying a second battery,, put that in the phone and it was good untill i noticed i still couldnt charge the damn thing n that is why im looking for a universal charger so i can charge the battery and not the phone!

Tommy, January 2010
Mine wont turn on... i was on the phone and it was charging fine then it turned off...and now the phone wont go back on...does anyone know a solution?

crissy, December 2009
i still have my broken F480, any1 got a recommended universal charger or anything like it that would actually work for charging the phone's battery?

Tommmy, December 2009
the same shit happened to my f480 too, icon says is chargin when u plug off , battery low,
wehen i leave it 4 a over night charge in the morning the battery is dead, some 1 pls help me witha good answer

fiyas, December 2009
Same crap as everyone below, for 1 week i had to hang the phone upside down to charge, then it simply stopped charging.
I ordered the docking charger on ebay, gotta wait till it comes.

Nate, November 2009
hi, ive got a tocco, less than a year old.
now mine doesnt charge at all
i left it on charge usin my sisters charger it didnt charge at all.
i charged it from my charger and it worked
now it does charge at all, regardless of what and who's charger it is.
the phone is good, but the problem is stressin,
if i tke it to the shop it mite leave me with an empty pocket im not sure what to do.
some one told me to spray abit of perfume in the charging port of the phone, as its got alcohol in and will kill the bacteria cause it mite be due to the fact that the charging pins are dirty,
so then i sprayed it and cleaned it with an ear mop,
it was so dirty wen i tuk it out of the charging port in the phone.
it worked but the only thing is that i have to hold it wen charging it an out pressure on the charging thing.
i have been wobbling the charger around as i was annoyed and i think that has effected it.
now i have to hold it evertime i have to charge it. eurgh.

pwincessMe, November 2009
if you have a look on ebay, search for 'desktop battery charger for samsung tocco/f480'.

there are loads and they're only about £2-3.

this'll save you having to go through the hassle of sending it off to be repaired & then have to pay for it...

the charging port on my phone is broken - i also got accused of doing it myself. i was quoted a ridiculous amount to get it repaired privately (didn't buy the insurance) & there wasn't even a guarantee that it would work.

you just take your battery out & put it in the charger - simple.

RachelDowner, November 2009
Mine also shows that it is charging but when you unplug it the battery is still low and hasnt charged. Carphone warehouse were awful to me and was accused of doing the fault?! Not helped by the aggressive attitdude of the sales assistant and the technican was not in store and would have to go back another day - great customer service, wont be upgrading there! Anyway have used another charged and it seems to be working for the timebeing.

Michelle, October 2009
I have the same problem I'v only had my phone about 4 months Sumsung Tocco!!I think there is a problem with these phones. I'v had nothing but problems what a S*it phone Wish I had never bought it!!Wont charge at all..just starts to charge then nothing,it also shows full battery bars then cuts out for no reason! ;(

Don, October 2009
I saw that there were problemss...but, how to repair that charging problem?Can anyone tell me?

vlad, October 2009
yess the only way you can get your samsung tocco to charge is to put it on charge...if yu want to charge it thru usb yu gotta select pc connection as the others light the screen up but wont charge the tocco as they dont have the right power...if i aint charging trough your mains adapter then i reccomend you buy a new charger or battery..if you need any further help please dont hesitate to contact me on 999. thanks :D

julian, October 2009
Mine is exactly the same! I hadnt even had it for two months before it started becoming more difficult to charge (I had to fiddle with it for about 5mins before it would start charging) even then the battery life would last long.. This was January just gone and ive been using an old nokia ever since.. This is obviously a manufacturer error. Cant something be done. I did take it back to carphone warehouse but they sent it bak sayin it was beyond repair an was my fault.. Its not insured either

Jessica, October 2009
Mine was on 1bar battery while driiving in car as i looked at it, got home and saw it switched off...wont charge just lights up with black screen?

Dev, October 2009
Ahhhhh i posted a very similar question on this site a week or so ago :-( my tocco will not charge, i could see exactly where the problem was too, the little piece inside charging port had become loose/broken.. I decided to try to fix this myself.. Silly me.. Now i fear there mayb a few other broken bits inside the phone lol erm.. I guess now i would be interested to know whether its worth takin it to a repair shop (im quite near the end of my contract and do not want to spend heaps of money fixing a phone i hate) any suggestions for where/how to do this as cheaply as possible would be greatly appreciated

Jade b, September 2009
The same has happened to mine. I had mine sent off via T Mobile and they fixed it, and it came back fine, they even replaced the screen and everything. But now its starting to happen again. I leave it on charge and switch it on and the battery is low. Its not a good phone.

Pj, September 2009
yeah mine stopped charging completely .i even bought a brand new battery ..i left it to charge for about 4 hrs and as soon as i took it out it said low battery .. does anyone know wat i can do about it ??

Pooja, September 2009
Argh! My Samsung Tocco is also having the same problems! It was working perfectly until i had to buy a new charger for it...a different charger. The first problem happened when i had been charging it for 5 hours and it suddenly went off and said it had an empty battery. Now it doesn't want to get past the SGH-F480 start-up screen! I've had this phone for 9 months! So annoying...taking it into Vodafone tomorrow. How can they tell customers that it is their fault when it happens to so many of the F480's?!?!?!

WudjaCudja, September 2009
mine has just stopped working, and the charger is in but it isn't even saying it is charging :-(

Charlie Smith, September 2009
Does any1 know of any universal chargers that would fit for the samsung f480 battery?

Tommy, August 2009
mine did same thing,, then i bough a new battery for it but was still unable 2 charge even tho phone was on and running -.- and then checked 2 see if headphones worked and they didnt so i guess mines very broken .-.

Tommy, August 2009
I Have Mine a month now , and it stopped charging and wont turn on , if i buy a new battery will it work ?

Sabrina x, August 2009
I have had my tocco since oct -08 and had no problems. Its has been a great phone. But today after been on charge all last night it went dead by 12 hours off the charger. Now won't switch on even when charged. Tried to charge from mains and usb, nothing works so now I am without phone. I'm with orange and need to call tomorrow. Any advice for that?

Lola, July 2009
The Samsung f480 Tocco battery in my phone has also now stopped charging. As stated before it was said to be my fault and that it is un-repairable. Although Carphone Warehouse didnt know what the technicians had done to my phone it came back with a fully charged battery. This must mean that there is a problem with the battery charging receptical in the phone itself and that its this which is preventing the battery from charging. If there was a way of charging the battery on its own such (as in a battery charging docking station) this would allow this battery to be charged first and then put into the faulty phone. If anyone has any idea how this could be done (such as can the battery be charged in another phone) please reply.

Jack, May 2009
Im on my 5th tocco. Although orange have been absolutely fantastic ( strongly recomend, i have had this problem as well as a broken microphone half a screen that wouldnt work i cud go on.) i am so annoyed ut breaks so often but every time orange have sent me a phone the next day. Breaks vwey easily but i still love it.

Ash, May 2009
Im on my 5th tocco. Although orange have been absolutely fantastic ( strongly recomend, i have had this problem as well as a broken microphone half a screen that wouldnt work i cud go on.) i am so annoyed ut breaks so often but every time orange have sent me a phone the next day. Breaks vwey easily but i still love it.

Ash, May 2009
try charging it in a different port thing, i done that, first in my lounge that sorta worked, then my bedroom that didnt do anything, and my kitchen that worked, aslo off a laptop//computer might work.. :D

McFly_4_Lyfee, March 2009
heart sinking to see comments above as mine stopped charging properly 2 days ago. can't understand as it had no different treatment from usual. hope 02 will help as i'm only 5 months into 18 month contract.

nik, February 2009
Mine Is Exactly The Same. I Sent It Off Via Phones4U, The Repair Company Phoned Me Sayin It Wasn't Repairable, * My Fault So They Were Sending It Back. I Have Spoke 2 The Repair Company Who Have Said There Is NOTHING They Can Do, I Have Phoned Samsung & There Is Also Nothing They Can Do. I Cant Get It Into There Heads That Im Not Happy Paying For A Contract When I Cant Use It!! .. Not Happy 1 Bit!!

Natalie Wood, January 2009
i am also having the same problem.i got mine on a 18 month contract from phones for you.iv only had it for around 7 week.when i put the charger in theres no i took it back to the phone shop and they said it was a faulty battery.iv heard this is very still waiting for my battery that i had to pay for.

samsung toccos are shit, January 2009
I thought this might be of use to you guys who are having charging problems with the tocco and your provider wont sort it out:

It's a shop thing on ebay that you can send your phone to for it to be repaired. They charge £20 I think but definately worth it so you can use your phone again (They have had plenty of good feedback so also trustworthy).
Hope this helps =0)

Jolly, January 2009
I am also looking for an answer, only had mine for 6 weeks before charging issues, sent it off with provider they sent it back saying my fault? confused, am now using an 8 year old flip phone supplied back in the day. tocco.. Its clearly cheaply made components designed to last for contract period however this is short lived. very poor show.
Please do join my list if you have this problem, let me know who your provider is, how long you have had the phone, must be relevant to this charge connection issue please. email me

simon, December 2008
It happened to my phone too, I sent it back to be repaired and they said it was irreparable and also my fault for putting the charger in wrong. It's a fault with the charger socket inside the phone, they break easily, especially if you use your phone to listen to music too. A waste of £200 that they refuse to do anything about. Brilliant.

ftw1989, December 2008
i was charging mine from the usb cabel and my phone went off and wouldnt start up ¬__¬ bt im leaving it for a bit now so hopefully it will work in a bit (:

becky, December 2008
mine is the same, i have bought 3 chargers now as the usb one doent work no more...!!!

d4ngerdan, November 2008
link Click here to see other fixes for Samsung.