check the filter - generally located behind a panel at the foot of the machine.Some are obvious like little square hatches and some are hidden behind the trim panel at the foot of the machine. Once panel is removed the filter should be visible. Its generally a circular plastic fitting which unscrews in an anticlockwise direction. Some hotpoint, indesit and ariston filters are located in the big black sump hose (the one that leaves the bottom of the outer drum and connects to the pump). Remove the back cover, locate hose, remove the tensioner clip by squeezing the tabs together, remove the hose, take out filter and clean. Be prepared for spillage of water. May help if the machine is tilted backwards at an angle.
If its stuck inside the drum, disconnect the sump hose (the big one which connects to the filter or pump) from bottom of drum and try to wiggle the item out. If that doesnt work you'll have to disconnect and remove the heater which should give another vantage point. Use a torch and a long thin stick to move the item to the sump outlet.
Finally, Disconnect pump from sump hose and check either item. Pump removal: power off, remove cover, locate pump, (attached to other end of drain pipe).undo 2 wiring connections, 2 hose connections, and pump mounting screws. Remove pump chamber - some are held in with screws, others clip into place.
Repair and service your own washing machine. Go to
dannyboy, November 2008