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can`t find were the thermostat is on my ford galaxy 2.0 petrol?

i think the thermostat on my ford galaxy 2.o petrol engie is not working correctly but the haynes manual drawing don`t point directly to were the thermostat is .can you direct me if poss
philip, November 2008
more than likely to be housed just in the cast iron bit where the end of the water hose enters the engine as its the water inside the block getting hot causing it to open and cold water to enter and cool the block.....follow the main pipe from the rad...there could be an inner lip just where the hose enters to rest the thermo on only way to know if so is to pop the pipe off unfortunately.........post another mesage if youve a prob....good luck..

j, November 2008
link Click here to see other fixes for Ford Galaxy.