Happy Birthday.
The fluid goes into the power steering pump, not being familiar with your car, I do not know if it is front or rear wheel drive. If rear wheel drive, the pump will be on the driver's side to the front of the engine. If front wheel drive I believe it will be on the passenger side of the car as these engines sit sideways. Make sure the engine is turned off before attempting to service it. Hmm 88 you should see a round cap with a blade sticking up out of it to grasp and turn. Do not fill all the way to the top. If it gets low again, take it to a mechanic for repair, as Power steering fluid leaks can cause a fire. This is especially true in ford models (like the taurus) with rack and pinion steering where the power steering hoses are routed along the firewall, above the exhaust pipes.
joseppie, November 2008