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drum wont turn hotpoint aquarius 1100 wm63?

drum wont spin the pump is working
graham, November 2008
Check out the carbon brushes in the motor. Theyre graphite blocks which transfer mains power to the copper segments of the motor -Theyre probably worn down. They're quite cheap parts and easy to replace. Power off, remove the back cover and locate the motor. May help if the machine is tilted at an angle or laid on its side. The brushes are at the other end of the motor from the drive pulley. The holders are plastic or bakelite and are generally held in with screws or plastic clips. Also, look at the copper segments they run on to check for burning or pitting. If the segments are burnt or damaged you need a replacement motor or a replacement armature (motor part) if you can source one. Occasionally may be a fault in the motor drive circuit board - in which case replacement of board only real option.
Some machines are fitted with an induction motor - this type of motor doesnt have brushes. Its a much heavier and more reliable type of device, but needs a component called a start capacitor to set it in motion. If the start capacitor is faulty the motor cant get the kick it needs to get going.
Check all wires and connectors generally for internal breakages - caused by movement of the wiring loom attached to the drum. Over a long period of time the wire strands inside the insulator break through metal fatigue. Although the outside of the wire appears ok the internal is open circuit. Pull on each individual wire - if theyre ok internally, they shouldnt stretch. The timer can cause problems of this type, check for burnt connections or of course it could be an internal break in the motor itself, which would require replacement of the motor.

Repair and service your own washing machine. Go to

dannyboy, November 2008
Sound like you need new drive belt.

Linz, November 2008
its either drivebelt come off/broke or motor brushes

steray, November 2008
link Click here to see other fixes for Hotpoint Aquarius.

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drum wont turn hotpoint aquarius 1100 wm63?