1.Use keyswitch to open door. Alarm will sound but open bonnet and disconnect battery. Wipe sweat from brow.
2.With car unlocked and drivers door open, reconnect battery, close bonnet and observe that dash shows "keycode lock out". Close drivers door. Lock car with keyswitch.(go to 3)
1.Observe that dash shows "keycode lock out". (go to 3)
3.WAIT appx 30 mins and observe through window that message screen is now blank.
4. Now, with drivers door closed and car locked, use key in drivers door switch with the turning code that you have. Remember to pause between left and right movements and listen for the tweet tweet. Lights don't always flash as you expect.
5. Could be something like turn to the left 4 times then pause and listen for the tweet tweet. Then to the R and L as coded then on the last turn to the R the buttons pop up. All doors are now unlocked.
6. Attempt to start car. If no joy, then you must re-synchronise the key fob.
7. With car unlocked, but doors closed, turn key to L, and at the same time press and hold lock button 5 secs. Turn key to R and at the same time press and hold unlock button for 5 secs. Listen for tweet tweet.
8. Try key fob lock and unlock and all should now be synchronised and working OK.
Bigbob, September 2009