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how easy is to change camshaft on transit 2.5 engine?

and also can you show me picture of how to take out
geoff, January 2009
The camshaft can be replaced with engine in the van as i have done it, once the grill and rad are out of the way
drain oil
remove the timing belt and all pulley's
remove water pump, oil pump, power steering pump, alternator
loosen injector pump from sandwich plate (the alloy plate at front of engine)
remove sandwich plate and fuel pump (it runs off the camshaft)
remove the sump pan
remove rocker cover, tappet rack and push rods
remove retaining plate from end of camshaft
the cam is ready to slide out but be careful as the cam followers will drop out as the cam is removed
the followers are top hat shaped and only go in from the bottom, it is a bit tricky but possible
I found the oil was enough to keep the followers in place
when inserting new cam if not a blob of grease should do
put it all back together if you can remember where it all goes

Glen, February 2009