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how to fix corrupted mmc?

how can i fix my even even now my mmc reder stop reading the mmc
arun, November 2005
my mmc corrupted computer cant format it any solution ?

zubair, April 2010
how can i fix my, corrupted mmc?

if i plug-in my MMC to my PC it is ok to use,
but if i plug it into my nokiaN70 the when i open the memory card it says (memory card corrupted!)

what can do? can you help me?

saturn, March 2010
repair mmc

sam, October 2009
use mmc medic

gneth, January 2009
i have problem this mmc is not work open corrupt that need how to repair mmc..

franklin pia, November 2007
You have to format the mmc from dos with following command:

c:\\>format x:/fs:fat

where X is ur mmc drive letter.

vishal4cwit@yahoo.co.in, March 2006