When he comes back give him a whack.
The main fault could be the transformer
Check transformer wire plug is scure in base unit.
Check the line cable plug is also secure in base unit
Check the transformer is securely in the mains socket.
Check the line cable is securely in the BT line socket.
Place the handset for that phone [usually handset 1]
Ensure mains socket is on.
Now check the hadset and or base unit for power light.
If none check the mains socket with table lamp to ensure it works. If ok then fault in either base unit or the transformer or both.
If you check price of new, same as you have, you may only need the base unit, as far as I know the other units will re-adjust to new base unit.
Check with supplier but don't take 'No they won't ' they are on comission how much they sell. Just get the base unit with of course one handset, set it up and check if others give dial tone.
Nobby, January 2009