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How can I get rid of Prockill-T?

When I run my McAfee it says I have a program called prockill-t. It comes back every time I reboot my computer. I just managed to get rid of luckysearch (or maybe not). Is this related? How do I get it off my computer permanently?
karen m, December 2003
You might try stopping McAfee from loading when your computer boots. (Start/Run/msconfig and uncheck all lines pertaining to McAfee) Restart your computer. Then Start/Run/msconfig and recheck the McAfee lines--then reboot again. This worked for me when I had the same problem.

samiam@hotmail.com, July 2004
McAfee should deal with this threat. There should be nothing you need to do. Prockill-T is a legitimate progam. Do not delete it.

The reason why your virus scanner may report it is because it can be used maliciously. Your anti-virus program should remove programs which are set to use Prockill-T maliciously, rather than remove Prockill-T itself.

You may want to check out if McAfee has options to limit the warnings it displays to you.

Sally, December 2003
link Click here to see other fixes for McAfee.