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how do i fit new hydraulic tappets in my galaxy 20.L petrol?

i have a noise hydraulic tappet in my ford galaxy 20.L petrol twin cam 8 valve i have taken the rocker box cover of and had a look and i have a new lifter to go in and i no witch lifter it is but what i dont no is if i take the cam off dose the lifter come out from the top? or dose it come out from underneath? if its underneath will i haff to take the top part off the head off? ps please do not send me to the (fgoc) as i tride to join but what a wasted of time.
martin, January 2009
take the top cover off. time up the engine two top timing
marks should be facing out side top edge of the cylinder head bottom pully has a nick in it has to face bottom at six oclock position. put a jack under the engine driver side
loosen engine mount driver side take cover off side will see timing chain. timiming chain tensioner at the back of the engine above at nine oclock position make hook out of welding rod to hook off tensioner. chain will go slack take the cam out you wish to remove then replace part if you know which one.YOU MUST REPLACE THE PLASTIC
if you go on the net euro parts will supply the parts cheaper than ford have to do the same job on my glx
hope this will be of help.

chris, April 2010
take off the cover on the top of the engine set the two timing marks on the top of the cams .the front one near the front of the car should be in line with the front the edge of the the cylinder head and the rear cam should be in line with rear edge you only have to take the top cover off take the cover off the side of the engine but before you do that must take off the driver side engine mount off! put jack under driverside of engine timing mark is a nick on bottom pully set at six o clock go to the back of the engine just above the
bottom pully ( driver side) you will see a hydrloic chain
tensioner remove with a fabricated piece of wire and chain will go loose take which ever cam you need to remove if you know which cam lifter is broke and replace.IMPORTANT MUST BUY NEW CHAIN TENSIONER
EURO PARTS WILL SUPPLY . hope this will help have to
do the same repair.

chris, April 2010
Whats your problem joining fgoc.we have over 1600 members and we answer lots of question and have meets etc.sorry to hear we are a waste of time although I would like to know why as we are trying very hard to build this site as we are now going into are 2nd year

steve, January 2009
link Click here to see other fixes for Ford Galaxy.