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Mariner 2hp impellar replacemnt?

Could anyone tell me how to remove the empellar from a 2 hp Mariner outboard I have remove the propellar and drive shaft assembly and the impellar cover but can't figure out how to pull the shaft out so I can replace the impellar
Tim, February 2009
Once you have taken the gear box off the outboard motors shaft remove the two bolts that secure the empellars cover, then take the propeller off by removing the split pin, drain the oil out of the gear box, then unddo the two bolts behind the propeller and remove the gear box cover and you will see the base of the drive shaft, remove the slipt pin and the shaft with the empellar and its cover will lift out then you can slide the empellar off and replace it- refit it in reverse

John p, February 2009