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how do i clean my steam iron?

how do i clean my steam iron
jane roberts, September 2004
A quick and easy way to make an iron glide on fabrics again is to set the iron on a med low setting and quickly run it over a sheet of wax paper. This works even better after cleaning the surface of the iron first with a brillo pad and wiping with damp cloth.

Jackie, May 2005
Removing residue from an iron always poses many problems- such as overheating the cloth which then scorches your fingers.

One way to remove residue from the iron is to place the iron on a low setting from 1-3.

After placing the iron on this setting, take a SOS pad wet it and begin to scrub. The heat and the friction from the iron allows the residue to resolve.

Next, take a wet cloth and rub the surface to clean some of the residue which was loosened. Proceed with this process until all the residue is gone.


JBunny, December 2004