I take it you're in USA I'm in UK and did a google search.
came up with the following by just typing in the search box Redman mobile home.
Try this phone number 1-800-405-2876 phone and ask, as I have tried their site address and can't seem to get to the relevant section below.
You could give it a go www.azchampion.com
I selected the search engine display showing
'Manufactured home construction Classic series by Redman homes.'
If you get it on the search then open the site
1. click on left column 'Insights and videos
2. click on 'Quality construction'
3. click on 'Manufactured home consruction and safety standards
then select the PDF 'wiring methods and materials' may help but may be useless.
I tried can't do any better than that. Good luck
Bob, February 2009