Uneconomical to repair. Need new or repaired circuit board.
Get new oven (Want another Stoves?)
Scarbs, December 2011
Oh, forgot to add - Stoves can no longer obtain any more boards for these - indefinitely out of stock!
Scarbs, August 2010
Hmm, there is certainly a fault with these circuit boards from Stoves. Mine has gone 4 times!
I too have a 907mf...
Scarbs, August 2010
where can i get this part(control panel) been waiting for four months for stoves 907mf
Contacted Stoves and they immediately insured it and I am paying monthly - total cost £149 and apparently the control panel which had blown was due to an electric surge down the line and cost £150 - so very fair of them as it is now insured for another 12 months and we didn't have to pay a call out charge or anything else!