find out what RAM it uses, search the internet for your laptop model, find out what kind, replace this with the maximum your laptop can handle, and replace the hard drive.
My laptop (Toshiba Satelite Pro, 1.6, 512RAM, 60GB Hard drive) was so slow, I had to turn it on, go away and make a cup of tea, wash the car, then come back and it would be almost ready for me to click on Internet explorer!!! NO JOKE!! but i researched my laptop spec, the maximum RAM it could take was 2GB, so I installed 2GB of RAM, and put a new ATA (NOT SATA, yours will prob be ATA too) 160GB harddrive in and now it takes less than 10 seconds for get into windows and for me to start using it. Everything is so quick now, and I mean everything.
Robo Kutha, March 2009