First, how old is the car?
Is this the first time you've had to do this. If it is, go for it but, if it isn't, I would look into your alternator. During engine cranking, the battery is literally drained almost dry, so its up to the alternator the generate a charge to the battery through mechanical movement of the engine drive belts. This recharges your battery and, powers your accessories. A good way to test the efficiency of your alternator is to:
1. Start the car and let it warm up to proper operating temperature.
2. Turn on ALL of your car accessories(ACC.)...(A/C, rear window defroster, head laps, interior lamps...)
3. With All ACC. on, roll up your windows, assuming they are all ready in the up position.
4. If you notice a EXTREME surge of power loss as you do this( you will see a surge from your R.P.M meter... if possible), then it could be a possibility that your alternator isn't producing enough current to both, charge your car battery and, power your ACC. This isn't 100% reliable but, it is a test used by technicians to determine the charging power of the alternator.
Hope this helps.
P. Jones, March 2009