You have found the 12volt system fuses these are not mains. Take note of each value fuse go to car shop and get full set of spares [one of each will do as some are same value]
Find the mains fuse control panel it will have a 'Mains on/off switch and two fuses usually, one for lights and one for 13 amp sockets.
Places where control panels were sited.
Under a lift up section of front windowsill
Under one of the seats usually in line with the site connection socket
In the back of the wardrobe [not the white directional aerial unit].
Mine Lunar Solar is in a section between the wardrobe and toilet and is also a housing for storing the table
When you find it check the main switch is off [loss of all power] or check if both the other two are off and main still in ON position, which indicates a possible fault in internal mains electrics.
Connect to mains via usuall site socket on c/van then flip the switches up. If they trip out again then afraid you will have to have it tested to find out what is causing the MCB to trip.
Another 'Find it' tip is to find where the cable from the site connection socket is in the c/van follow its direction as far as you can then you will be not far from the mains fuse box or MCB unit. as it is.
OR if confused contact Swift Swift Caravan Specs
Tel: 01469 571806 they will tell you wher to find it may be what may have caused it. Could be site power surge has made the main switch trip. Sorry can't be anymore clearer.
Can't give email the forum doesn't allow it.
Bob, March 2009