Had the same problem. Definitely a windings smell. Checked brushes. Best part of an inch left.
Priced new motor - £70 to £90 plus carriage.
Priced new Henry - £85.00 including carriage. No contest!
Mark Mercer, October 2009
how do I get to the motor brushes on my Henry HVR200?
Jonathan, July 2009
Thanks Tim, but I'm not very technical. Motor sounds "rough" when switching off. Will get an estimate from a repairer but expect will be more than the vacuum is worth. Only cost me a fiver from a car boot sale last year so have probably got value for money already....
Andy, March 2009
Sounds like motor brushes(or possibly suppressor capacitor). Likelyhood there will be sparking visible if you can see inside motor housing.
You don't say how technical you are, but if you are not this is a likely a job for a shop I'm afraid.