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no heater light or fuel?

Can anyone help?
Peugeot 406 td 1998: I've changed the engine and re assembled everything? The engine is turning over but I have no heater light on the dash but do have 12volts to the glow plugs. I do not have fuel coming through from the bosch pump to the injectors and the fuel stop solenoid with only one of the three wires giving me 3.88v with ignition on. Please help, Phill
Phill Munton, April 2009
hi mate,you aint stated what type fuel system it is.... (conventional or common rail)...also,are you sure the engine and relevant attatchment are the same as the origonal. modern diesil systems are complex and sensative...even down to injectors, a lot of modern diesils require information like injector numbers and high pressure diesl pump numbers to be configured into the ecu. if you have not used all the fuel system components off the origonal engine this could possibly be your problem as the ecu wont recognise the ones off you new engine

paul, April 2009
link Click here to see other fixes for Peugeot 406.