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how can i derestrict a direct bike DB50QT-6?

any one know how to derestrict a direct bikes DB50QT-6 scoter
ROBBO, April 2009
their is not a pink wire to disconnect in the battery area and the other methods are different to derestrict one of these mopeds, the solution has to be various derestriction methods on each bike,

a frienfdly adbviser, July 2018
i have a DB50QT-32 50cc viper scooter done about 30- 35 i could not find the pink restriction wire i then i took of the saddle next to the carb that protects the crankcase breather pipe then there should be a blue and white wire i disconected this wire and my scooter dooes around 40 - 45 downhil

kevin, March 2017
Does anyone know how to derestict a direct bikes DB50QT-32? There is no pink cable to cut, so I don't know where else to look really

Dale, October 2015
If you remove the panel under the saddle you will see just to the left of the carburettor a small metal saddle that carries the crankcase breather pipe before it connects to the air filter. Remove this saddle by undoing the top variator bolt and you will see a single wire coming out of the variator casing (blue/white). Disconnect this wire at the bullet connector before it disappears into the cylinder cooling shroud and your bike will be derestricted.To restrict it again just remake this connection again.

Robin, February 2015
If I get a unrestricted CDI will this sort the rev limiter and allow more speed

Colin, March 2014
I have a Direct Bikes DB50QT-15B on the top of the carb there are 2 screws i took them off and removed the brass bolt inside and put the top back on and put it back together and my ped now does 45-50pmh i have no mods fitted to it

dan g, February 2013
i can tell you how to derestrict your direct bikes or chinese scooter, this will work garanteed, if you pay a payment to my pay pal of three pounds i will email you with a step by step on how to do it, you wont have to spend any money on parts as they wont be needed if you interested please click this link and message me me and i will be happy to help.

zachary gore, August 2011
all chinese bikes come retsricted and can be derestricted check the internet.

lee, May 2011
Brand - Direct Bikes
Model No - DB50QT-A
haw can derestrict

adam Nowakowski, February 2011
all i done on my ninja 50cc is drill four holes in the exsaughst but i got to say it drains the petrol so iv ur wanting to go cheap dont do it but mine does bout 45/46 mph i tried the carb but my srews are chewed up so still working on that good luck

billy, September 2010
How do i deristrict my ninja scooter or any suggestions how to make it go faster

Jake, July 2010
hi i have a db50qt-6 wich i have had like 4 weeks now or maybe more not quite sure its brand new ive done 521 miles i fitted a unrestricted cdi from adrenaline also fitted and leo vince pipe its still not going over 30 really i also removed the brass screw in the top of the carb or so i think i did anyways

any help would be great thanks

ryan, May 2010
where is the cdi on them

Luke Mullin, April 2010
if thers a restrictor in the air intake,you may find removing this and adding a bigger jet improves performance-but check the colour of the spark plug,it should be running light brown

mick, May 2009
yes im sure,ive been on the scooter forum,but all their suggestions are for earlier models

mick, May 2009
i removed the brass screw located inside the cap of the carb (gave me 5 mph)
fitted a unresticted cdi £24.50 from bike will now do 40
think i will try bigger jet in carb next and remove the restrictor fitted inside air box (intake end) tryed taking this out today but made the bike slower,maybe to much air to fuel mix.
are you sure there is no restritor in the exhaust/variator as this was my next step

ROBBO, May 2009
i have a Db50 qt6 ,i emailed direct bikes,they said take it to the local dealer,theres no restriction on the variator or exaust so i suspect theres a rev limiter on the cdi if you find out anything can you let me know-these bikes are made by jinlun jl50qt6 try jinlun northeast

mick, May 2009
hello if this is a chineese import scooter on a 4stoke engine derestricting it wont make to much of a differance i had a chineese bike said had a 150 cc engine in it and was derestrcited and it was only pulling 45mph if i was lucky so i soon got rid of it

4 stroke are much more reliable than 2 stroke but you dont really get the same power than a 2stroke from a scooter

p.s if you browse the web you can get all kind of upgrades for chineese bikes i.e cdi bore kits etc but if your going to pay money for doing that your better off part x the bike and get a known brand

46s46, April 2009
have a look at the cvt casing. if there is a pink wire coming out of the cvt cover then cut it. this wire is a sensor that detects the speed of the scooter and send a signal to the cdi unit which then limits the revs of the engine.also have a look under the carb cap there could be a brass screw which restricts the amount that the carburettor needle can lift. remove this brass screw.other restrictions could be a small main jet in the carb or a resctricted cdi unit.

crimbo42, April 2009