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Replacing '97 Ford Escort LX Wagon Cassette Player with CD Player?

How do I replace the Escort cassette player with a CD player, and which CD player should I go for to make the installation easy ?
FS Lim, December 2003
i don't see how that 6000 unit would work. I'm having the same problem looking for a cd player. The round tape player/instument control thing is all one piece. The 6000 is square and has no extra buttons. Any cd player I'd install would have to include all the instrument buttons would it not? Is there anywhere to get such a thing?


commandrew, June 2004
Your 97 ESCORT should have the standard model 5000 radio cassette fitted in which case the easiest upgrade would be fitting a FORD 6000 cd unit. These are readily available on ebay at around 80 pounds, this upgrade does not involve ANY modifications at all, simply remove the old and fit the new! All wiring is the same!

fmf, December 2003
link Click here to see other fixes for Ford Escort.