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My bobbin is causing my thread to loop up under material?

My bobbin is looping the thread underneath on the material is it caused through the tension
anita, May 2009
Hello Anita,
Make sure the presser foot is up when you thread the machine, top tension about 4 or 5, make sure you can just pull the thread through the bobbin case with slight resistence, if it is too tight slacken the screw on the bobbin case about a quarter of a turn at a time anti clockwise and test.

drivewithken, May 2009
Check that you have put the bobbin into the bobbin case (or direct into the machine, if applicable) the right way up/around. Check also that the top thread is threaded properly. If that doesn't work, turn off the power, take the bobbin and case out of the machine and clean everything throughly with the little brush in your machine's toolbox - often there is a short length of broken thread somewhere that is knotting things up. Check the bobbin thread tension and top thread tension are right (see machine manual for how to do this).

Yorkshire Lass, May 2009