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HELP i have put water and white spirit in my car?

i have put water and white spirit in my car cause i thought it was petrol as it was in a jerry can. the car has been turnt over a few times just using water and white spirit. have drained it all out of the tank and put petrol in. how do i get the water and white spirit out of the carbs and pistons......
david, June 2009
Brings back memories:

A mate put paraffin in his car for the same reason 'It was in a Jerry can'. I said if you found a bottle in the garage marked 'l'emonade'' would you drink from it without checking it is what the label says?.

You've drained off so now remove all plugs marking the leads according to the plugs they go to ie: plug 1 one dot/strip of tape and so on. If you don't and forget what lead went where you will throw out the firing sequence. Clean firing tips of the plugs. Leave plugs out to allow the fluid on pistons to evaporate.
Remove carb wash out in petrol.
Hold can/jar over the end of the fuel pipe and get some one to turn enging over to pump out the offending mix from the pump and pipe line until you get a strong smell of petrol [don't smoke]. Replace all and give it a try but allow at least a day for the stuff in enging to evaporate before replacing the plugs. Or wait for another reply to your question.

Bob, June 2009