Most caravan accessory shops stock cleaning fluid for the cassette. Don't use bleach it effects the rubber seals. Have a read of this from my file.
In cold weather the fresh and waste contents of the toilet may freeze. A simple precaution is to add car antifreeze, first checking with the toilet manufacturer that it is compatible with the plastic materials used. There are two types of anti-freeze: ethylene glycol, the most commonly available, is highly toxic and precautions must be taken to avoid splashing on skin etc. The other type, propylene glycol, is less toxic and is the better option if you can find any stockists. The caravan background warmth should prevent freezing on site, but when travelling in sub-zero conditions it may be sensible to drain the toilet; this should also help caravan stability.
At the end of the season, wash out the toilet with a mild soap solution, avoiding the use of strong household detergents or cleaners with chlorine, solvents or acid contents, which may damage valve seals. Seals can be greased with acid free Vaseline or olive oil and the toilet should be stored with caps loose or removed.
bob, June 2009