Ive just fitted an accenta mini G4 with RKP, the main box has a screw type dial you can turn on the inside, however this doesnt seem to make a difference with this model. My old alarm panel was the same type, but didnt have the RKP (the buttons were on the main box), this again had the above screw type dial in the same place, and when turned did increase/decrease the chime volume. If your model is like my new one, then you dont seem to be able to turn up the volume (i may be wrong), ive ended up fitting an internal sounder, this however will only sound if the alarm is activated and doesnt increase the chime. You can buy internal sounders which will chime in unset mode and you wire them to the 'speaker' type icon in the panel - this is to the right of the bell/box/strobe/tamper terminals. Hope this helps
Kev, June 2009