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is 10% ethnol bad for our engines?

is ethnol bad for our engines?
mc, June 2009
??? that last answer makes no sense to me whatsoever. Ethenol is a better fuel in every respect than petrol - problem - it rots the rubber and plastc parts in the carburettor.

It IS true that ethenol has a (much) higher octane rating than standard grade petrol, it burns cooler than petrol (unless you increase the compression ratio to take advantage of the octane rating), so the valves will last forever.

In summary - don't use it unless you have no choice - it WILL cause problems with the carb, but if you don't mind rebuilding the carb every cauple of years, go ahead.


Phil Saunders, June 2009
yes, most petrol engines need a certain amount of carbon
to help keep the presure in the cylinder
ethnol will make it higher octain that cleans the cylinder,preasure will drop and valves will burn out quicker

sam, June 2009