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Location of diagnostic connector on TR6?

I have a TR6 towed into my garage today as a non runner.
I have the Snap on classic scanner with the all makes OBD cartridge.
Does anybody know where I can plug the scanner in so I can charge for diagnosis and hopefully find the fault?

Can anyone also tell me roughly how much the repairs should come to?

Thanking everyone in advance.
Fwaddar Motors, June 2009
Thanks for that TR6 Srvce Expert, Will look at it after the weekend.
Not a minute too soon as the irate customer had threatened to insert my trolley jack somewhere dark & private.
I think I will stall him by telling him I've sent his ECU away for testing and fit some new shock absorbers and brakes for him.

Thanks again.

Fwaddar Motors

Fwaddar Motors, June 2009
I think its behind the n/s rear tyre, or it could be the o/s

Brave sir Walton, June 2009
Dear Fwaddar Motors

The key to it is identifying which market it was built for. The first check is to detirmine if it was built for the US or British Empire market. I appreciate that the US was part of the British Empire, but you wll need to check the ID plate to identify the exact period it comes from If the top left corner is stamped with 1.2.B.R1D.0F then you can assume it is a non empire model. Look further thou to ascertain the following:

a ) if the TR6 is post colonial georgian it will most definitely be marked as a US LHD model. 1LSTA.MP1R

b) If it is pre US - Mexican War it will be a central drive mechanism - a middle of the road compromise

c) post Civil War - somewhat contentious and costly and unreliable model; 1.FyTe.U

d) Non identifiable as corrosion has etched away the duralumin tag.

As I know you are a TR6 afficiado, you will readily be able to identif the empire model.

Have you the Classicimo software upgrade for you analyser. I think you will need at least software version 6.788.213. - to be sure don't use ripped software as the secret encryption key is often missed and will give misleading results. Also don't forget to install service pack 1.M0r.R1P.0ff.

Now you have identified the model, you will need to configure he analyser for the model. If the model is a non empire version then you will have to plug into a 110v power supply other wise use the 240v powersupply. Worried that you dont have 110v, dont, you can get an extension cord from your local DIY shop that should allow you to plug into a friendly trans-atlantic neighbors socket.

I am not sure if i need to go into the details of where to find the analyser port - but needless to say it is the normal possion on the right hand side of the left hand glove box or the left hand side of the right hand side glove box.
When you purchase the software for the analyser, you will have to purchase the rc458172 plug and adaptor kit, dont forget you can only use UKEEI approved electric else you will need to contact you insurer for bridging cover.

I hope all of this information has helped - i have serviced many customers models and they have all left happy. If I can help let me know

TR6 SRVCE Expert, June 2009