You have a blocked carb or sticking flaots. You need to strip carb down. If you have never done this before you need to take carb off bike. unscrew top remove petrol pipe and also air filter, may be a choke cable on there as well. TAKE A PHOTO FIRST then it wil remind you how it goes back together and be Gentle! Once Carb off start with screws on bottom, WD40 them first as carbs are generally a cheap alloy and you can easy damage them. Take bottom off and you will find a set of floats held in with a needle. Carefully remove floats and needle. The floats push on the main Jet you should also remove this and clean.. VERY CAREFULLY. All the other jets inside should just unscrew take them out and blow them through. Clean all parts, including flaot bowl with clean petrol put back together and it should be ok. Take you time be gentle and patiant, dont force anything. The carb top you unscrewed only goes in one way beacuse of the pins make sure you get this right Good Luck
bb, July 2009