Anyone trying to answer this question sensibly would need more info than you've offered. eg. do all the taps in the house still work properly? What told you that there was a blockage in the inlet pipe rather than eg. electrical control circuitry not triggering the machine to start? Does it start+give an error code or light a warning LED? I believe most if not all machines have a filter at the point where the cold inlet pipe connects to the machine, this is to stop cr*p getting in from the main water supply and damaging the machine/polluting the water used to wash the clothes. Have you ever cleaned out this filter? If not, its always possible that a simple maintenance check and 1 min spent cleaning the filter will resolve the problem. A blocked filter can reduce water pressure and that would potentially, for safety reasons, cause the control box NOT to trigger the machine to start. Switch your machine OFF and remove the plug from the wall socket before doing anything to it. Have towels ready to soak up any spillage. Ensure you fully tighten up the inlet connection afterwards. Good luck.
Sally, July 2009