I've got a similar problem with the same machine. I found that the contacts in the dial were oxidised to the point they were not completeting the circuits to complete any cycle. This problem has got progresively worse over the years until it would only fill with water then stop.
To clean the contacts turn off at socket and unplug. Unscrew the facure at the top of the door (panel that the dial sits in) from behind (with door open). Unwrap the plastic cover and unscrew the dial. Make a note/diagram of where each wire connects, etc to enable you to put it back together again). unplug the dial. On the dial assembly you see a motor which is round. Use a small screw driver to lever off the holding clip from each side (carefully). On the top half of the assembly there is a circlip on the end of a rod that goes through the assembly, lever this off and push out the rod (there is only one of these. The red block with the connectors should slide out easily. Be careful that the motor is connected by 2 red wires. Bring the motor out with the red connector assembly. the wires are stiff so can break easily, so be aware. The red block will prise apart with a flat screwdriver. If you clean each connector with some fine emery paper it should do the job. I think there are about 4 different areas to clean. You'll have to be careful and study the parts before dismantling them so you can get it back together.
Hope that helps. Have fun.
Karl, March 2010