A smartdrive9 excellence 7.5. model number (I think) gw709nz. I tipped it over to clean out the pump. Then when i plugged it back in there was no power what so ever! Was working fine before hand. Please HEEEELLLLLLP. Is there a reset switch or am I going to have to get a new computer... Updated the computer only about three years ago.
The drain pump is part of the display panel power supply on this model. You may of forgotten to plug the wires back in to the pump or the plug may not be firmly pushed home or the pump itself may be faulty.
Lincoln Appliance NZ, July 2009
Thanks... I looked at the power cord and all the wiring... Bits all look intact
bronnie, July 2009
I reckon by tipping it over you have pulled/disturbed the wiring connections so its no longer making a connection.