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foot pedal not working on a Cresta sewing machine?

I have mains fed in and the light on the machine works. If i bridge the terminals then the motor fires up but there is no feed from the pedal through to the motor.

Is there a common fault I should look for? My test meter has broke so I can't test the resistor etc.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Martin, July 2009
hiya ken

I have had a look and there seems to be what look like two old inline resistors (small plastic covered windings of wire) they both look burned out there is no current crossing them what so ever?

can these be found to replace them or will it indeed be a case of replacing the whole foot control?

BTW You are correct it is the sew-tric motor

martin, July 2009
Hello Martin,
the only Cresta model I know goes back many years and has a sew-tric motor and control, if that is the case then you will ned a new foot control.

drivewithken, July 2009