Zama Carb leak, bulb not "filling" elastomers, cleaning, etc Husqvarna 125L?
First I will get to the immediate need and then the general questions. I know that your business is oriented toward chainsaws but my question relates to carburetors. I have a Husqvarna 125L Trimmer with a Zama carburetor, it has a leak. The leak shows up after orienting the carburetor off the engine and still hooked to the fuel tank. After pressing the bulb the bulb fills up but the carburetor starts to leak out the air inlet. I've had a difficult time getting gas-oil in the bulb when it was hooked up. I went to troubleshoot the problem and was unable to locate the cause of the problem. At that point I went to a business that used to be a Husqvarna dealer and after the technician put the top plate on a vacuum test and the carburetor on a pressure test he was able to determine that the carburetor had a leak in the jets. It was said to me that there are check valves with elastomer parts in the carburetor. I was told that I would need to clean the carburetor but that I would have to be careful and not use a solvent that has acetone. Is this correct? What elastomer materials are in the carburetor? I want to use a carburetor cleaner but I don't wish to destroy the elastomer materials. Question two, what solvent or cleaning solution would you recommend? Question three, if the pieces are destroyed where can I get the replacement parts? Question four, the adjustment needles in the carburetor appear to use a different tool to adjust/remove them, where can I get the tool? In advance of your reply, thank you for your answers.
Respectfully, BSW
BSW, August 2009