Water comes back up the hose and leaks out of overflow and shower unit?
I have tried replacing the hose and the head but as soon as the head is fitted on and then the water turned on the water seems to go up the hose and comes out through the overflow and where the hose is fixed slightly.
I have tried 2 different shower heads and hoses the same happens as soon as the shower head is off the water comes out of the hose fine..put the shower head on the water goes back up the pipe comes out of overflow and a little bit comes out where the hose is attached to unit and then trips all the switches..its most odd :(
tracy, August 2009
what shower is it ?
thats not a overflow its the prd which is a safety device.
where did you get the showerhead from ?
hi-spec plumbing & heating (essex), August 2009
Super glue would help
frank, August 2009
I can answer this question...
Water comes back up the hose and leaks out of overflow and shower unit?