I took some of the dryer apart to look into it and have some lessons/tips that may save you some time.
First, there is a little water reservoir next to the dryer's water pump on the rear and lower left part of your dryer. This pump has a hose coming out of the back of the dryer that drains into the same drain as you washer. There was globs of smelly, wet lint built up there that was resulting in the signal to the drain light and the dryer shutting off.
To access that reservoir, you don't need to take the dryer apart! Simply open the door to the air cooler and pull that out (you should clean that every couple of months, so hopefully you know what I am referring to). Then, slide your hand through the opening straight back and about 8 inches in there is a "trap door" on the bottom of the duct with two clips. Pull those clips back towards you and the pop open top.... dry it good so you can get a grip, or gently pry a screwdriver in there. With your hand, clean the gunk out of the reservoir. On the right side of that bay there is an exit for the water, so clean that good.
That should solve your problem if it isn't the pump or the sensor. I tested the pump by listening for it to cycle, and verified by taking out the hose in the back and watching the water run out.
I hope this helps. I suspect by doing this once a year, you'll save yourself from having to replace the pump or having a repair visit. I know the Bosch service center rep could tell me NOTHING about the Drain Light, so I had to figure this out on my own (I also didn't find blogs with info). Bosch service desk answer was "call one of our trained reps and have them come out and look at it", and "no, I cannot send you a copy of our repair manual. That is only provided to trained reps".
beatTheRepairGuy, August 2011