This carburetor requires a special ZAMA tool to remove the high speed and low speed needles. The cheapest that I found this tool on the internet was for $40. No way would I pay that!
I used a Dremel to cut straight screwdriver slots at the heads of the needle valves. The way I did this to my high and low speed needle is as follows:
1. Install a cutoff wheel on your Dremel.
2. Mount the carburetor in a vice with rubber or wood against the vice jaws to protect the soft aluminum carburetor case. The high and low speed needles should be facing up towards you.
3. Cut a slot perpendicular into the heads of the needle valves until you are satisfied that the slot is deep enough to get a standard screwdriver into. Don't go too far. The housing that surrounds the valves will also be cut, but this is harmless and is actually helpful as a reference to factory settings.
4. You can now use a standard screwdriver to remove, install, and adjust the needle valves at any time.
5. When reinstalling the needle valve, line up the slot in the needle valves that you cut with the slot in the housing. This will restore your factory setting.
Hope this helps!
Denny Smith, August 2011