1st time it happened car was driving car with no problem, stopped for petrol and wouldnt start again, battery completely dead. AA jump started and recommended a new battery. Had new battery fitted and no problem for over 6 weeks. Driving it this weekend and pulling in to parking bay and power steering cuts out (while engine is still running). Turn off engine and try to restart and its like battery is completely dead or not connecting. Quick look under bonnet and close again. Left car for half an hour and restarted no problem everything working. Been running fine again since.
Suspected faulty battery so took it back, but checked out fine as did the alternator. Bloke suggested it could be a problem with one of the connecting wires?!
Taken it to main dealer and they checked both battery and alternator which are fine. Engine Management light has not come on at all. Should also point out i've had no problem with the power steering before now or after.
JOHN FRISBY, August 2009