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How can I stop the accenta/optima G3 from sounding?

During the early hours of the morning the Accentra/optima G3 operating system went off for no particullar reason and i tried resetting it but there was nothing wrong with the box and sensors but yet the sound continued to ring. The only way of turning the sound off was to unscrew the front cover and disconnect the battery plus also to turn the mains electricty to the house off. How can I put this right? Everytime i put the electrical mains back on the alarm starts again and does not stop. What can i do?
JJ Edwards, August 2009
yes i have an optima people in my house turn the entire electric off in my garage and then the battery dies well what i do is put it on it sounds inside outside then i put the code in and then it says day and power green and red well because youve took the cover off you will need to power it up by battery first leave it for 5 mins but as soon as you put the battery in and the alarm sounds put youre code in if it works then tamper will be flashing press reset then tamper will be lit on a still light put the cover back on and then tamper wont be on then after that put the mains back on and it should be fine if the code does not accept these number may do it 9999 0123 or 0000 thanks

death, August 2009
link Click here to see other fixes for Accentra Plus.