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How can I make my dial up networking (DUN) window remember by password?

Even though I have ticked the "save password" option my password is not saved, I have to type it in every time. How can I make sure that my password is saved?
Lynn, August 2003
Click Start, Find, Files or Folders then put *.pwl as the search term. Search drive C: for these files. Delete all of the pwl files found

Click Start, Settings, Control Panel, Network. In the Primary Network Login set to Windows Login or Microsoft Family Login, click OK.

Click Settings, Control Panel, Passwords, Change password

Change the Windows password to a blank password (not blank spaces from your space bar, just leave it empty). Click OK

Still in Control Panel clcik Passwords, User Profiles then tick "All users of this computer use the same....."

Click Apply Close the Control Panel, shut down and reboot.

You should now not have to enter a password but you should be able to set and save your dial-up networking and other passwords.

Peter C, June 2004
Hi Lynn, check out


maybe you can find your solution there.

Markus, August 2003
See http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q135/1/97.asp

Simon, August 2003
It is because you havent got a logon when you first logon to windows.

Make sure you have to log on under your own user logon, if there isnt one just create a profile and then you'll see that the password should save!

Nadeem, August 2003