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leaking under car but what is it ?

I have a leak that smells a bit like petrol form a cylinder shaped thing and the assoc pipes underneath my 1998 R Punto 1.2 16V SX80. It is coming from a cylinder that is aprox 5" long and 2" diameter that is located just under the car on the drivers side about 1' in front of the rear wheel. Petrol/hydrolics of some sort? Any ideas what this is or how to fix it?
garryr999, October 2009
if its aluminium its the fuel filter, could have corroded due to road salt or the filter becoming blocked, should be covered by a protective guard replace the filter and if no cover was fitted wrap some plastic protection around it .
Fit the new filter the SAME orientation as the old one,or with the ARROW towards the FRONT of the car, check at the clips for leakage, retest with engine running fuel line is now PRESSURISED

wirecutterman, October 2009
link Click here to see other fixes for Punto.