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I need to find the correct ratio of petrol / oil?

Hi, i have recently bought a Gilera DNA 50, 2001 model and i was wondering if anyone could tell me the correct petrol to oil ratio. I believe the bike to be 2 stroke and with only one fuel and no oil compartment i obviously have to mix 2 stroke oil with petrol however i don't know the correct ratio so if anyone has information that may help please let me know, or a contact number of a person/place that could help me, thanks
Dan, October 2009
All dna 50's are two strokes. the oil tank is under the seat.

josh, February 2012
I had a DNA 125 and this was a 4 stroke. The 50 I had was also 4 stroke. The may of done two strokes? You need to find out really before hand/

However 4 storke no oil needed just keep an eye on your engine oil.
If it is a two stroke DO NOT mix with petrol. There will be a seperate tank and it will mix automatically. Be near the petrol tank which is under tank.
Find out before you go riding if it is a two stroke then no OIL will mean a seized engine.

dr spock, October 2009
link Click here to see other fixes for Gilera DNA.