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how can i replace my rear engine seal on my vauxhall corsa merit?

i need a detailed step by step on replacing the rear engie seal on my 1994 vauxhall corsa merit 1.2 4 valve.
the mechanics quotes are more then the cars worth so would like to attempt to repair it myself as the part is cheap.
jason, October 2009
ive had that recomended im giving it a try today
the only trouble is if it continues to leak im gonna need to replace gear box and clutch because it gets contaminated
if anyone knows the procedure in which to gain access to the rear engine seal a step by step would be highly useful
thanks for the ideas

j, October 2009
If the problem is a "small" leak, there are oil additives available which can reduce leaks by swelling the seal material.

Jmmy, October 2009
i know i need to drop the gearbox but thats why i need a detailed step by step so i can do this
any helpers

j, October 2009
engine out or gearbox out.... whatever you feel comfortable with

d, October 2009
link Click here to see other fixes for Vauxhall Corsa.