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Heater element or somthing like that has failed?

I have a Creda Reversair tumble dryer It has a heat select rocker switch of high or low. It was brand new about 18 months ago. It would appear that we're not getting any low or high heat. I've managed to get the top off and can see 2 wires coming off the switch, a white and a blue/white. Unfortunatley i decided to look at the problem about an hour before leaving for work.
So can anybody tell me is it likely to be the switch or is there something like a heater element OR something intirely different to what i thought. Cheers
Mike Birchall, January 2004
For my Crusader condenser tumble dryer it was the thermal cut out switches that had failed. They are fitted behind the back panel above the element so you can check the element while you're in there.
Spares purchased from sparesRus.co.uk for £16.
They arrived next day (free delivery) and were fitted in minutes.

Alan Currie, January 2004
link Click here to see other fixes for Creda.