i have a 97terrano 2.7td very smokie when sitting idle and you rev above 2000,but starts and runs well when you drive,put new air and fuel filters on but no difference,can anyone please help.
If smoke is white it is water vapour and will be coming from engine cooling system - has water level dropped in expansion tank?
may be a Head gasket failure
Equally if car does a lot of short runs there might be a build up of water in the exhaust system. 30-40 mile run should clear the vapour.
Maurice, November 2009
thank you both will try valve where is it? and the smoke is white.
gregory, November 2009
the egr or exhaust gas regulator valve needs cleaning and checking that it is opening and closing properly.
paul, November 2009
you don't say what colour the smoke is coming out
but BLACK smoke is EXCESSIVE FUEL pump needs recalibrating
BLUE smoke possibly worn rings or valve guides