The only set restrictor is the power valve position which is usually controlled by the power valve servo,but some models do not have it on them so you can check by looking at the side of the barrel and there will be two cables going to it on the left hand side IF it has a power valve servo,if it doesnt then you need the undo the cover on the left hand side (2 small bolts) and take the exhaust off and look up the port and turn the end of the power valve until, the port is totally open.then do the bolts back up.the only other restrictors it has a the design factors like the exhasut and carb and inlet manifold also the cdi unti will limit the revs by cutting the spark out over around 11000 look for some after market performance parts if you do have a power valve,i used to have a dt125 lc mark 2 in the early 90's and that had a 170cc wiseco big bore kit on it and that flew bit i dont think they make big bore kits for them anymore but have a look on the web for yourself.
adam bike doctor, December 2009